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cloud-9.ch is a service brought to you by Cloud 9 Distribution AG (Inc.)

Cloud 9 Distribution AG
Lagerplatz 7
8400 Winterthur

UID: CHE-110.093.127

Ph Shop: +41 (0)52 203 99 09
Ph Office: +41 (0)52 203 51 31
e-mail: info@cloud-9.ch

VAT Nr: CHE-110.093.127 MWST
ZAZ account: 14572-5

PC Account: 90-754116-4

Owners and managing directors: Christian Spörri / Simon Frei / Miriam Widmeier

business hours from 1st March to 30st November:
Tue - Fri: 12.00 to 18.30
Sat: 10.00 to 16.00
Sun and Mon: closed

business hours from 1st December to 28th (29th) February:
Mon - Fri: 12.00 to 18.30
Sat: 10.00 to 16.00
Sun: closed