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NSP NSP Fisherman seat with shoulder strap

Brands: NSP
NSP NSP Fisherman seat with shoulder strap black
Available in the shop in Winterthur:
Available from our stock:
Reduced price CHF 89.90
inclusive of VAT
orders over CHF 49.00 without (by DPD)


Designed as the ultimate accessory for explorers, the NSP Fisherman Seat is an often requested accessory for The Quest and its 2018 version, The Fisherman.

Double up on functionality
Adding a Fisherman Seat to your kit doubles the fun of your setup. Having the back support eases the strains of sitting down for longer periods at a time, and lowers your center of gravity, increasing your balance.

But the NSP Fisherman Seat is much more than that. Similar to a kayak setup, you get leverage over the hull. Actively use leg pressure to counterbalance and feel more stable than ever before.

If you are one of these people taking their inflatable of rapids or through the occasional white water, you already know you are naturally inclined to get down low. “Going Kayak” when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place is often the best way to stay on top of your board.

… and when you find yourself in calmer waters, easily fold up your seat and stow it under one of the two sets of cargo straps.

The Quest has been voted “The Best SUP to Land a Big One“, so why not do it in comfort and stay out on the water even longer? More comfort, more balance, more back support and saltwater-resistant clips and buckles.